Monday, December 23, 2019
Personal And Career Success By Paul J Meyer - 1644 Words
Esteemed self help author, Paul J Meyer, once said â€Å"Communication is the key to personal and career success†and he could not be more right. However, while communication is the key to success, there are still many adults in the world today who lack the basic skill set for successful and effective communication. According to a 2016 survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, verbal communication skills are ranked first among a job candidate’s ‘must have’ skills and qualities. Clearly, lacking these skills could potentially cause several problems, not only in one’s personal affairs, but with all facets of daily life. That is why it is necessary to incorporate these skills into educational curriculums. Most people will, more†¦show more content†¦In addition to knowing the speaking setting, one needs to have an understanding of communication skills, such as the ability to evaluate one’s audience. When one hears the phrase â€Å"oral presentation†the first thought that may come to mind is a formal presentation. Obviously, in the professional setting one will be called upon to create a presentation of information at one point or another and it is important to been able to evaluate who your audience is so that the information is presented not only appropriately but effectively as well. In fact, Greg Satell, contributor to Forbes Magazine, comments on this saying â€Å"When we enter professional life, we immerse ourselves in the jargon and principles of our chosen field and obediently follow precepts laid out by our respective priesthoods. Yet we rarely put serious effort toward expressing ourselves in a language that can be understood by those outside our tribe. Then we wonder why our efforts and achievements fail to resonate.†While there is some instruction on how to give a formal presentation in schools today, the communicative aspect of it is often overlooked. Many students d o not consider or may not even be aware of the process of analyzing one’s audience. If one does not possess basic skills in oral presentation, such as being able to assess ones audience, then their message mayShow MoreRelatedOne Of My Favorite Quote By The Greatest Success Motivational Planner850 Words  | 4 PagesOne of my favorite quote by the greatest success motivational planner, Paul J. Meyer is â€Å"communication- the human connection- is the key to personal and career success.†As Meyer stated, it is indeed crucial to have communication in order to gain success. Communication is an important part of human life. No matter what we are doing, we are constantly communicating, conversing and exchanging ideas. So far in my life I have overcome social anxiety, and communicating has been the weapon I used to breakRead More Francis Scott Fitzgerald Essay2374 Words  | 10 PagesScott Fitzgerald was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, on September 24, 1896. (Coale 190). 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Research Paper “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love†Free Essays
Love is unknow. Eros; an attraction based on a sexual desire, Philos; friendship love, or common interest, Storge; the natural love of a parent for their child or family love, and Agape; the unselfish love for the good of another. These are all Greek words and there definition of love. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper â€Å"What We Talk About When We Talk About Love†or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are many different kinds of love; from the love of a mother to the love for car, love has no boundaries, but true love between a man and a woman can last a life time. Some may say the feeling of love is the most wonderful thing about life. Love also comes in different cases and scenarios such as the inseparable love, the violent love and the love that never dies. Raymond Carvers â€Å"what we talk about when we talk about love†tells us why love can be so beautiful but yet risky at the same time, Mel and Terri are a couple in love with each other and they are married, but they both had broken relationships with their previous love partners. Nick and Laura are also married and are in love with each other, they also had previous love experiences. But do these characters experienced true love or even know what true love is or is it just lust and mostly physical attraction. From the physical to the sentimental or even the violent type of love, true love has no limits; neither Mel and Terri nor Nick and Laura ever experienced true love because they both had broken relationships or had been divorced with their previous love partners. The two couples are engaged in a conversation about love and are caught up in trying to figure out what love is. Mel McGinnis is a cardiologist in his mid-forties, he was married and has kids in his previous life, and he was very much in love with his ex-wife, but that all ended after his divorce. Mel who spent five years in a seminary thought real love was more spiritual than anything else. Mel says he doesn’t care for his ex-wife anymore, â€Å"there was a time when I thought I loved my first wife more than life itself. But now I hate her guts†(352, McMahan). He does not know why he feels this way and wants to know what went wrong, what happened to the fire that once burn so brightly. When a marriage union just suddenly ends we tend to ask questions like whose fault is it, were the couples truly in love each other? But in this day and age a man and a woman can be in marriage but not necessarily in love with each other. This shows that love is much deeper than two people coming together to spend their entire lives with each other. Mel may have moved on from his ex-wife Marjorie but he is certainly not madly in love with Terri whom he’s been with for five years but only married for four. Mel controls most of the discussion as the evening progressed, â€Å"an indication that he is obsessed with the topic. Mel insists that the conversation be directed at one point; the definition and nature of love†(Bruccoli). Mel defines love as two main different types, the â€Å"physical love, that impulse that drives you to someone special, as well as love of the other persons being†(McMahan, 352), this type of love is among most couples as true love starts with a physical attraction because that’s all the soon to be lovers know about each other. The other kind of love that Mel described is the â€Å"sentimental love, the day to day caring about the other person†(McMahan, 352). When a couple is in love, they may say the words â€Å"I love you†on a daily bases but they spend more time showing each other how strong their love is and expressing their feelings sexually and emotionally. Mel’s current wife Terri also had a previous love encounter, her lover Ed, was more of the violent type of lover, he would beat her and drag her across the living room while screaming about how much he loved her. Terri believed that that was true love and she strongly defends it against Mel, who thought that love was not supposed to be violent, â€Å"Mel cannot understand his action as an act of love. Love cannot coexist with hatred in his dogmatic mind†(Bruccoli). Ed’s love for Terri was so strong that he was stalking her after Mel and Terri started dating, Ed even threaten Mel’s life. Ed was obsessed and more so infatuated with Terri, but Terri did not feel exactly the same way for Ed. Love is something that has to go both ways, couples usually have the same strong feeling for each other because when one partner loves and care How to cite Research Paper â€Å"What We Talk About When We Talk About Love†, Essays
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Braveheart Evaluation Essay Essay Research Paper BraveheartHave free essay sample
Braveheart Evaluation Essay Essay, Research Paper Braveheart Have you of all time been at Blockbuster and can t happen that perfect action flick that you re looking for? Look no farther than the B subdivision of the alphabet and there you will happen the historical heroic poem of William Wallace. Braveheart is a film based on the true narrative of William Wallace ( played by Mel Gibson ) , a celebrated Scots common man who leads his people in rebellion against the English during the late 1200 s. The film follows the events of Wallace s life from age eight to decease. With its first-class book, realistic scenes, beautiful scene and soundtrack combined with heart-stopping action Braveheart captures the kernel of a great heroic poem. It is difficult to sit through a three-hour film without going impatient and bored but the film writer, Randall Wallace, with his first-class book keeps your eyes glued to the screen. He does this by playing on human emotions and by integrating wit. Early in the movie Randall introduces us to Stephen. Stephen comes from Ireland to England to fall in Wallace s ground forces because he wants to kill Englishmen. Stephen provides the amusing alleviation in the movie. Through his conversing with the Almighty and witty duologue the book author adds an of import dimension to the heroic poem. This wit is non out of topographic point but is written absolutely in with the remainder of the secret plan. Randall Wallace does an first-class occupation of playing on human emotion in the addresss of William Wallace. The most outstanding portion of the book by far is William Wallace s address to his ground forces before a major conflict in the movie. Wallace: you have come to contend as free work forces and free work forces you are. What will you make without freedom? Will you fight? Anonymous Soldier: Against that? No, we will run and we will populate. Wallace: Aye, battle and you may decease ; run and you ll unrecorded. At least for a piece. And deceasing in your beds many old ages from now, would you be willing to merchandise all the yearss from this twenty-four hours to that for one opportunity, merely one opportunity, to come back here and state our enemies that they may take away our lives but they ll neer take off our freedom! In Wallace s address, the author plays on our human emotion of nationalism and our desire to be a free people, which is the reoccurring subject throughout the film. Randall Wallace besides does a great occupation of acquiring you to detest the English and her oppressive leader Edward Longshanks. King Edward has a atrocious hatred for Scotland and a ill-famed repute for holding no clemency. He jokes stating, The lone problem with Scotland is that it s full of Scots. Immediately after claiming himself King of Scotland he has a peace meeting with all the Lords in Scotland but alternatively of speaking peace he has them all hung from the balks of the edifice. Longshanks so enacts leading nocta in Scotland. Giving English soldiers sexual rights to a adult female on the first dark she is married. He says if he can t pass over them out, he ll engender them out. During one of the conflicts after Wallace invade s England Longshanks sends in the foot to get down the conflict and so in the center of the conflict has his bowmans fire into the center of the battling rabble, killing both Wallace s ground forces and his ain work forces. Aside from the first-class book another facet that makes this film great is the pragmatism. This movie is likely one of the goriest movies that I have of all time watched but it s bloody conflict sequences, with all the blood and backbones, add to the pragmatism of how much people our willing to endure in chase of freedom or in Wallace s instance retribution. Trying to acquire Wallace to come frontward and give himself up the English make an illustration out of his married woman by slicing her pharynx in forepart of the town. Wallace comes back to revenge his married woman s decease and initiates the first conflict sequence. Wallace and the town common mans make their manner to the town garrison and pin down the local magistrate who slit his married woman s pharynx. Wallace takes him down to the center of the town and slits his pharynx. You get to see the knife cut and the blood pip-squeak from his cervix. This gives you a in writing realisation on how far Wallace is willing to trave l, particularly when you see he is unaffected by the Gore even when the magistrate falls and gets his blood all over him. On the down side because of this Gore I don t think any kids under 15 should watch the film. What besides makes the movie so realistic is the closet of the characters. Wallace s ground forces and the remainder of the common mans in the movie have bad hygiene and are ever highly soiled merely as the common people of the thirteenth century would hold been. Their apparels are worn thin and dirty. The lone people that would hold had nice apparels in the 1200 s would hold been royalty. This is besides true for this movie. The King and the people in his palace are ever dressed in intricately decorated apparels. The ground forcess are besides realistically dressed and equipped. The English are dressed in concatenation mail with metal shields and they have a big horse. The work forces in Wallace s ground forces are dressed in shreds, equipped with wooden shields, lances and have about no horse. This pragmatism is accurate to the times and makes the narrative really credible. The music and breathtaking scene in the movie besides adds a phenomenal dimension to the image. From the Braveheart Theme to the playing at Wallace s male parent s funeral the bagpipes set the perfect tone and temper for the film. Using traditional Scots music alternatively of a modern alternate soundtrack adds to the magnificence of the times in which the image takes topographic point. The music is complimented by the beautiful Scots countryside, which is the scene of the film. The beginnings of many scenes show long sweeping, birds-eye positions of the beautiful Scots mountains and the breathtaking shoreline. Braveheart, through its great book, fabulous soundtrack and realistic conflicts gaining controls epic Hollywood flawlessness. It won 5 Academy Awards in 1995 including, Best Picture and Best Director ( Mel Gibson ) . It will certainly retain its topographic point in history as one of the greatest movies of all time made.
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